Well sorry a little late this week but it's hard to find the time these days. When and if both girls are napping I usually lay down too and when their awake there is lots to do. But anywho... we are all doing well. Eva had her 1 month appt. last Wednesday and she now weighs 10lbs 11.5 oz. and is 22 in. long. Unbelievable! I even took both girls by myself, Ella did wonderfully and Eva was good too! Still unsure if I want to venture out by myself too much. Eva is waking more frequently at night to eat which is a bummer. I thought it was supposed to get better. Ella has also been waking at night and not taking naps so this week was a little rough. Although, one day this week both girls were napping at the same time so I got an hour nap. It was amazing! Ella is getting so big and beginning to say a lot more words, she gets a little frustrated with us because we don't always understand her but it's coming. I'm proud of her! She is also quite the copy cat but mostly just of her daddy, not sure why but it's cute to watch them play.
On Saturday Evan went to play BB close to downtown, the 1st time in a long time and we had the unfortunate experience of getting our window smashed in in the car. They didn't steal anything but we still had to pay a pretty little penny to get it fixed. What a bummer! On Sunday Evan took Ella to play in the snow, we have gotten much more snow here than ever before. She had fun but didn't last long, it was very cold out.
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