Look at my chubby cheeks!
Evan and his mini me.
The gang minus mom because she's never in any pictures.
Where ever Eva is; Ella is! She loves her sister and gives her lots of kisses everyday. She also has learned to say it's otay (okay) to help calm her down.
It's hard to tell but Eva is smiling too!
We had a boring week. Ella caught a cold and was forced to stay indoors. It has also been pretty cold here, so that didn't help. We did go to storytime on Wednesday just to get out of the house. She had lots of fun! We played hide and go seek for the 1st time this week. Max & Ruby, a show on Nickolodean, gave us the idea. She wanted to count but can only count to 2 show once she repeated 2 about three times you better be hidden because she was coming to find you. Good thing we have a small place. It was so hard to keep quiet, because I was laughing so hard at her counting. She would stand in the doorways of our rooms and just wait to hear me. I would eventually have to whistle or make some noise for her to get closer and than I would jump out and scare her. We had so much fun. I never thought I would be playing hide and seek with Ella, who is under 2. Eva has finally gotten on a some kind of schedule, the nights are a lot more tolerable. She wakes generally only 2 times. I am not as tired but could still use a couple more hours of sleep. Eva did not catch Ella's cold, she did get a little stuffy but nothing she couldn't clear herself. I was worried about her! By Friday both girls were fine so we went to our playdate with the moms club. Ella had fun playing with new toys and kids. We then went out to eat and she was so well behaved. I am amazed on how much she changes from day to day. She continues to learn and say more words. Her favorite of the week is noise. She puts her hand to her ear and says noise everytime she hears something. So yes, it is getting old. January is over so spring is 1 month closer, yay!
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