Ella and I made snow angels.
I feel like I'm back in ND, we have been getting so much snow and we are sick of it. I don't know how you North Dakotans deal with it all winter long. So today as we speak, it's snowing and we are in a winter weather warning. We are supposed to get 8-12 in of snow. I don't think I have ever seen that much here at once, although my mom and dad would disagree because when they visited 2 years ago in March it snowed a lot and we were stormed in for awhile. So it's not that often we get that much snow. We are looking forward to spring, although it may be quite awhile before it gets here. On Monday we had a playdate with our friends, Aiden and Erin. They played real well together as you can see. They both like to make messes.
On Monday night Ella got sick (puky sick) it only lasted overnight. Thank God! Evan took care of Ella while I took care of Eva. I lucked out! Thanks honey! We didn't do much the rest of the week because I wasn't sure what Ella had and didn't want her doing too much at once. On Wednesday Eva had her 2 month appt. She now weighs 13lbs 6oz. and is 23.5 in long. Almost identical to Ella who was 13lbs 4oz. and 24.5 in long. Eva had to get 3 shots, she did alright though. She cried for only a short while! She was an angel for 2 days afterwards too, it just knocked her right out.
Look at Eva's chubby chubby legs and her battle wounds. :o(
Friday we had a playdate with the moms club and Ella had a great time. We all did because we finally got out of the house. We had a pretty uneventful weekend, we planned to go shopping today for me but, of course, we couldn't but not because of the kids this time. It's this crazy weather. We did, although potty train this weekend. Just decided to put her in underwear because I know she is ready. She has peed 5 times over the course of 3 days otherwise it's been in the potty or in her pull-up when we go out. We're getting there!
First day in my new undies. :o)
What daddy's weekend consisted of. He hurt his back playing BB on Saturday morning so he held Eva a lot.
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