Eva has become alot more alert this week. She found her hands and stares at that crossed eyed. She smiles in response to us now and it just melts my heart.
All bundled up!
Ella loves to sit close to her sister and Eva loves to watch Ella. Bestest of sisters. So far so good!
Ella is wearing mommy's glasses!
On Monday we had the pleasure of having Evan's aunt and uncle visit. They just came up for the afternoon from Tennessee and brought us dinner and dessert. It was nice to have visitors and show off our new addition to the family.
The rest of the week we tried to keep busy. Wednesday we spent the day at a friends house like most Wednesdays, Ella loves it there. Friday we usually have playdate with the moms club members but it was storming here so we just stayed home, although I told a friend I would watch her kids so I still had to go out in the storm that evening. Eva and I made it home safetly! On Saturday we had dinner with a mom's club member that I have become friends with. They also have 2 girls and they all played well together.
Ava (4) and Ella played so well together.
Today, of course, was spent watching football. I'm glad the season is finally over, although March madness will be here before we know it as will baseball season. Yay me!
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