Ella playing with an empty beer bottle. Daddy told her to stick her hip out, she was trying.
We caught Ella sitting in her dolly stroller. I'm surprised she didn't brake it!
Evan is a heater for Eva, so he gets her to sleep very easily in any position.
Ella still loves to get a ride of daddy's shoulders.
She also likes to give her baby rides on her shoulders. Super cute!
Eva is very smily now, I love it!
We are officially potty trained and I am extremely proud of my little girl. Her pediatrician said just a couple weeks ago that she is so young and not too worry and look at her now. She loves wearing her Dora panties and is kind of obsessed with going potty. She goes more often than she should I think because she wants treats. That is going to have to stop soon.
Since we got so much snow last week every thing we had planned got cancelled. So, we had a quiet week. By Wednesday we busted out the snow and met some friends for lunch at Chick-fil-a so the kids could play indoors. It was good for all of us to get out. Then on Wednesday night we left the girls with some friends so we could have a date night. We went to an OSU BB game, it was acutally a very good game so we were happy we went (Even me). Ella had a great time but Eva would not take the bottle or sleep so she was tired and hungry when we got back. Poor baby! Friday we had a playdate with the moms club kids and than I (by myself) went to moms night in. It was nice to socialize with other moms and get out of the house with no attachments. Although Evan called and said I had to come home because Eva would not take the bottle. So our goal these next couple weeks are to get Eva to take the bottle. Ella was a pill all week because she is getting more teeth so nap times and night time is a struggle and she doesn't sleep well either. So now that Eva is sleeping better, Ella is not. I'm still up 2-4 times a night with one of them. Eva acutally slept all night long last Wednesday but that was after she didn't sleep all evening at the babysitters so I don't think that will happen again for a little while. It was nice though! We did nothing all weekend, extrememly boring. Ella and I did go for a walk. It's getting nicer here and things are starting to melt. Hopefully that continues and its spring before we know it.
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