We had a great week, it was a busy one! We were preparing for our big trip home to ND. I also had moms events going on, which I went all by myself; 2 nights this week. It felt great to have a little independence. We had a heat wave go through Ohio so it has been close to 90 most days this week but Ella has not been wanting to take naps so her punishment was no pool or park. We were able to go 2 times and she loved it! I think we have our summer afternoons planned when we get home. I didn't get any pictures though because with both Ella and Eva at the pool my hands are full. Ella is pretty careful but she doesn't know how to swim yet so I'm pretty nervous going too far away from her. Today Uncle David and Aunt Becky arrived and watched the girls for us so we could go to a movie. It was nice to get away, just the 2 of us. Thank you! We are leaving tomorrow morning around 9 and plan to go half way to Minneapolis and than arrive in Minneapolis on Tuesday. We plan to stay until Thursday and head home with Jon and Alana. Pray that our trip goes well, I will write when I can.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
We had a great week, it was a busy one! We were preparing for our big trip home to ND. I also had moms events going on, which I went all by myself; 2 nights this week. It felt great to have a little independence. We had a heat wave go through Ohio so it has been close to 90 most days this week but Ella has not been wanting to take naps so her punishment was no pool or park. We were able to go 2 times and she loved it! I think we have our summer afternoons planned when we get home. I didn't get any pictures though because with both Ella and Eva at the pool my hands are full. Ella is pretty careful but she doesn't know how to swim yet so I'm pretty nervous going too far away from her. Today Uncle David and Aunt Becky arrived and watched the girls for us so we could go to a movie. It was nice to get away, just the 2 of us. Thank you! We are leaving tomorrow morning around 9 and plan to go half way to Minneapolis and than arrive in Minneapolis on Tuesday. We plan to stay until Thursday and head home with Jon and Alana. Pray that our trip goes well, I will write when I can.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Eva's dr. Appt.
We went yesterday for Eva's 6 month appt. Where has the time gone? She is now 17lbs
6 oz. and 28 in long. She is now longer and 2 pounds lighter than Ella was at 6 months. She had 2 shots which she tolerated very well. Everything else is fine with her. We also went to the pool yesterday for the 1st time this year, it was freezing but Ella was still in there. Eva just watched from her stroller so we all had a good time.
I also wanted to mention Eva's baptism will be on Sunday June 13th at 9am. Everyone is welcome! We haven't planned out an after party get together but I'm sure it will be in the park or at the Vondal's. I will let you know as soon as we plan something.
6 oz. and 28 in long. She is now longer and 2 pounds lighter than Ella was at 6 months. She had 2 shots which she tolerated very well. Everything else is fine with her. We also went to the pool yesterday for the 1st time this year, it was freezing but Ella was still in there. Eva just watched from her stroller so we all had a good time.
I also wanted to mention Eva's baptism will be on Sunday June 13th at 9am. Everyone is welcome! We haven't planned out an after party get together but I'm sure it will be in the park or at the Vondal's. I will let you know as soon as we plan something.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Rainy week
Mobie time (Ella calls it!) Nothing better to do on rainy days than movies and popcorn.
No Eva can not sit up yet, Evan was real close by!
She looks so old in this picture and yes she is feeding her baby from her belly button. Half the time she does it from the belly button and half the time its from her boobies, so she says.
Ella's feeding her baby. Too cute!
Wherever Eva goes Ella goes. She is such a copy catter.
Eva's just eatin some chips.
The girls both woke up way too early one morning so we were just hangin out in bed so mommy could wake up. If Eva hears Ella, even whispers, she is up right away so most days they wake up around the same time.
Well the week was long and rainy. We baked a lot because we didn't have anything else to do. I kept praying for the sun to come out but than today it came out and it was freakin hot. I guess my prayers finally got answered! I worked 3 evenings last week so that definitely kept us busy. Eva came with me twice and Ella once, they seem to like going. My clients house is big and gorgeous and they have 2 meow meow's (that's what Ella calls them). I just take Eva so it's easier on Evan and its also nice to give Ella and Evan time to bond. This weekend we went rummage saleing and found some great clothes for both Ella and Eva. On Sunday we did our long run with the girls which almost killed us. It is so challenging pushing them for long distances plus it was super hot out. So we struggled a little bit but good news its only going to get easier because on race day there will be NO girls and the race begins at 6:30 am. So wish us luck! I will be busy packing all week because we leave next Monday for ND for 3 weeks. Yay! Evan's Uncle David and Aunt Becky will be bringing us home. They are traveling the same way so are just picking us up. It will be great although Evan doesn't think so. He will even be alone on his birthday, so think of him on June 7th.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sisterly Love
Ella and Eva rocking
Daddy's little Red's fan.
Ella playing ball.
Fresh air does the body good, even big bodies. :o)
Ella wearing her Dora and Boots sunglasses and ready to go outside and play.
2 Alpacas, they are weird animals but Ella liked them.
Ella feeding the Alpaca.
Ella and Eva watching TV
Ella and daddy reading. Ella's new favorite thing!
Ella and Eva take the cutest pictures together, they just love to sit together. Ella does complain a little now because Eva is starting to grab her and touch her more. We had a great week. I worked Monday evening and we went to an Alpaca farm on Wednesday with the moms club. Friday evening Evan and I went out for drink just by ourself. It was so nice to get away although Eva cried for the 1st hour and half, I think she was just scared to be in a different environment. She was as happy as ever when we picked her up though. On Saturday and Sunday we went to the park so we could play ball. Evan thinks she's going to be great plus Ella loves it. Eva has tried more fruits and veg. her favorite thus far is bananas.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mommies Day, thats what Ella said all day.
Ella's hates wearing pants but loves shoes. Weirdo!
Eva has just started to grab things so life is about to get much more complicated.
Ella loves to talk on the phone. Everytime I'm on it she asks if she can talk.
Lets Play Ball
Ella rocking Eva
Ella watching Eva play the drum.
Well another week has come and gone. We did one moms event this week, which included the North Market downtown. The main reason was because Jeni's ice cream was actually on the food channel. They have homemade ice creams with many strange flavors, the one that was interesting was the peanut butter thia. It was very sweet right away and than left a very spicy after taste. It was interesting, not good or bad! I do think though that ice cream is supposed to be sweet so it was different. I picked up quite a few hours of work this week so that was nice. On Tues. the girls came with me and on Thurs. just Eva came. I left Ella at home to bond with daddy. Friday I did the overnight so I didn't miss anytime with my family, it worked out great.
Ella put her headphones on so she could go running like mommy.
We have been keeping up with our running which is just starting to get a little more challenging, this week we run 4 times; 4.5, 2, 4.5, and 7 miles. The girls enjoy the stroll so its enjoyable for all of us, well as enjoyable as it can be. :o) The best part of running and being so active is that I can eat anything I want. I am also still breastfeeding so I need lots of calories to keep me going. Saturday was very gloomy so we watched movies, Ella took a long nap, which rarely happens so we watched 1 in the afternoon and 1 after the girls went to bed. It was nice, we don't have much time for movies these days and that's one of my favorite things to do. Sunday we went running and than I went shopping with a friend ALONE. It was super nice to get out and have so much freedom, nothing to worry about. Evan took us out for dinner at Texas Roadhouse, which is my favorite place because of their free dinner rolls. It was nice! I had a wonderful Mother's Day and I hope every mother had one as well.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Ella's 2
The girls and daddy!
Ella met a friend at the Great Lakes brewery Co. in Cleveland
Ella feeding Eva her cooking. Ella was playing with pots and pans and was pretending to cook. Eva sure wanted some.
Eva on her tummy.
Sisters on their tummy.
Ella enjoying her birthday cake. She cried when we threw the box away, too bad we ate it all.
Eva's 1st vegetable- avacado. She did NOT like it.
Ta da!
Ella wearing her new helmet.
Ella and all the kids opening her presents. I'm not sure how many she acutally opened herself. Good thing she didnt mind the help.
Ella with her crown on
Ella and her cake.
Well we had good, quiet week after her birthday on Monday. It was nice for the girls to stay home and get back to their normal schedules. We went to the park on Thursday to play with other moms and ended up going to Cleveland this weekend. Evan's friend Steve flew in so they could go to the Twin/ Indians game. The girls and I tagged along and relaxed in the hotel while they went to the game. Ella went to the Dr. on Wednesday and she is 35 1/4 in tall ( 95 percentile) and weighs 32 pounds. She did have to get 1 shot and hated it but didn't cry for too long. Nothing else new in with us.
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