Happy Mommies Day, thats what Ella said all day.
Ella's hates wearing pants but loves shoes. Weirdo!
Eva has just started to grab things so life is about to get much more complicated.
Ella loves to talk on the phone. Everytime I'm on it she asks if she can talk.
Lets Play Ball
Ella rocking Eva
Ella watching Eva play the drum.
Well another week has come and gone. We did one moms event this week, which included the North Market downtown. The main reason was because Jeni's ice cream was actually on the food channel. They have homemade ice creams with many strange flavors, the one that was interesting was the peanut butter thia. It was very sweet right away and than left a very spicy after taste. It was interesting, not good or bad! I do think though that ice cream is supposed to be sweet so it was different. I picked up quite a few hours of work this week so that was nice. On Tues. the girls came with me and on Thurs. just Eva came. I left Ella at home to bond with daddy. Friday I did the overnight so I didn't miss anytime with my family, it worked out great.
Ella put her headphones on so she could go running like mommy.
We have been keeping up with our running which is just starting to get a little more challenging, this week we run 4 times; 4.5, 2, 4.5, and 7 miles. The girls enjoy the stroll so its enjoyable for all of us, well as enjoyable as it can be. :o) The best part of running and being so active is that I can eat anything I want. I am also still breastfeeding so I need lots of calories to keep me going. Saturday was very gloomy so we watched movies, Ella took a long nap, which rarely happens so we watched 1 in the afternoon and 1 after the girls went to bed. It was nice, we don't have much time for movies these days and that's one of my favorite things to do. Sunday we went running and than I went shopping with a friend ALONE. It was super nice to get out and have so much freedom, nothing to worry about. Evan took us out for dinner at Texas Roadhouse, which is my favorite place because of their free dinner rolls. It was nice! I had a wonderful Mother's Day and I hope every mother had one as well.
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