Ella and Eva rocking
Daddy's little Red's fan.
Ella playing ball.
Fresh air does the body good, even big bodies. :o)
Ella wearing her Dora and Boots sunglasses and ready to go outside and play.
2 Alpacas, they are weird animals but Ella liked them.
Ella feeding the Alpaca.
Ella and Eva watching TV
Ella and daddy reading. Ella's new favorite thing!
Ella and Eva take the cutest pictures together, they just love to sit together. Ella does complain a little now because Eva is starting to grab her and touch her more. We had a great week. I worked Monday evening and we went to an Alpaca farm on Wednesday with the moms club. Friday evening Evan and I went out for drink just by ourself. It was so nice to get away although Eva cried for the 1st hour and half, I think she was just scared to be in a different environment. She was as happy as ever when we picked her up though. On Saturday and Sunday we went to the park so we could play ball. Evan thinks she's going to be great plus Ella loves it. Eva has tried more fruits and veg. her favorite thus far is bananas.
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