Mobie time (Ella calls it!) Nothing better to do on rainy days than movies and popcorn.
No Eva can not sit up yet, Evan was real close by!
She looks so old in this picture and yes she is feeding her baby from her belly button. Half the time she does it from the belly button and half the time its from her boobies, so she says.
Ella's feeding her baby. Too cute!
Wherever Eva goes Ella goes. She is such a copy catter.
Eva's just eatin some chips.
The girls both woke up way too early one morning so we were just hangin out in bed so mommy could wake up. If Eva hears Ella, even whispers, she is up right away so most days they wake up around the same time.
Well the week was long and rainy. We baked a lot because we didn't have anything else to do. I kept praying for the sun to come out but than today it came out and it was freakin hot. I guess my prayers finally got answered! I worked 3 evenings last week so that definitely kept us busy. Eva came with me twice and Ella once, they seem to like going. My clients house is big and gorgeous and they have 2 meow meow's (that's what Ella calls them). I just take Eva so it's easier on Evan and its also nice to give Ella and Evan time to bond. This weekend we went rummage saleing and found some great clothes for both Ella and Eva. On Sunday we did our long run with the girls which almost killed us. It is so challenging pushing them for long distances plus it was super hot out. So we struggled a little bit but good news its only going to get easier because on race day there will be NO girls and the race begins at 6:30 am. So wish us luck! I will be busy packing all week because we leave next Monday for ND for 3 weeks. Yay! Evan's Uncle David and Aunt Becky will be bringing us home. They are traveling the same way so are just picking us up. It will be great although Evan doesn't think so. He will even be alone on his birthday, so think of him on June 7th.
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