Ella and daddy won a huge puppy at the arcade..Ella was so happy!
Ella and her puppy on the way home...I'm not sure who's bigger.
Us and the jellyfish...those are some cool fish...
Ella and a frog! It's kind of ironic but we took Ella to this aquarium when she turned 1 and she picked the same frog to sit on.
Eva and Ella looking at some more fish!
Eva pointing to a fish...she thought they were pretty cool.
Ella and I bundled up!
Eva all bundled up waiting outside to get into the aquarium.
Evan went to a Ketucky game at Rupp arena this weekend! He thought the atmosphere was amazing! He had a good time.
Eva's walking...we are still having to cheer her on to keep it up but I think its getting better. Ella likes to help her but occasionally goes a little too fast for her.
ELla and Eva riding their new car outside! They both loved it, if you can't tell.
We had a great week last week especially since it warmed up for a few days. All of our snow melted and we got to go outside and play. A friend of mine needed help letting her puppies out during the week so we were able to go over and play with the puppies and the outside kitties. We also pet and fed her 4 horses! Ella loved it! I was happy that it wasn't too terribly cold out. On Saturday morning after I got home from work we left for Cincinnati/Ketucky. I was supposed to get home a lot earlier but got stuck at work so plans changed from a baseball tour to shopping. I was pretty upset. :o) There is a huge outlet mall on the way to Cincy and so we all got lots of new clothes, can't pass up the deals! After shopping we drove to Ketucky so we could drop off Evan at the game. We didn't go because we would have all needed tickets and for the girls that would have been a huge waste of money so we went swimming at the hotel instead. We picked up daddy and went out to eat and since the girls didn't nap all day they were ready for bed early. Bedtime went pretty smoothly in our room, I was impressed! A new place is always hard. On Sunday we left as soon as we got ready and went back to Cincy. We oringinally wanted to go to the zoo but it was 34 and drizzly so we decided the aquarium was a better choice. Although we had to wait in line outside for the aquarium for an hour so we probably should have just went to the zoo. The girls enjoyed it though! After that we had lunch and played games at the arcade, Ella's new favorite thing. From there we went to IKEA, a much awaited experience for me. It was amazing and so overwhelming, I wanted everything! We did find a few things but were unable to purchase anything to large because we had the car full of stuff from the weekend, guess we'll have to make another trip there. Eva had her 1st shower at the hotel and she didn't like it much but more than Ella liked her 1st shower. We all had a great weekend but were happy to be home on Sunday. Evan had Monday off and it was just a relaxing day, Evan actually has a little sinus cold so he has been kind of under the weather. I wanted to send prayers to great-grandma Evelyn and grandma Mary, wish we were closer. I would be by your girls' side in a heart beat.
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