Ella and Eva riding their pony.
Ella and Eva wearing their tutus from Auntie Nellie. They came with a book "I wear my tutu everywhere". Ella wanted to do just that, I hid them though so she can't.
Ella and Eva coloring at the table. THe table I couldn't wait to get rid of but that is still with us. There just is no way we can eat in the dining room. It is carpeted and that is out of the question with 2 little girls. I plan on paiting the table legs which will greatly help its appearance...I hope!
Our lower level half bath.
Our room/bathroom
Our room
Ella's room
Ella's room
Eva's room
Eva's room!
Front door hallway. To the left in the office/dining room. I did not include a pic. of it because I forgot to take one and its not completed yet. We are looking for a desk and a couch for this room. You have already seen my new dining room table so you know thats in there.
Living room
Living room
Ella wearing a Brutus the buckeye hat in the mall.
Ella and Eva with Rosie Red. We went to the mall last weekend to see some of the Reds players.
We had a playdate with Aiden and Eli and Ella loved Eli, she wouldn't leave him alone.
Eva loungin on the couch watchin Dora.
Eva and Ella in the morning at our new house.
I took the girls to this Firefly cafe which is a modern indoor play area for kids 2-5. I made some extra time for them while we were moving. I felt like I didn't pay a lot of attention to them so we took a day and went to play with a friend.
They all loved the bounce house. Eva, of course, couldn't bounce but Ella and Sammy helped her out.
Playing on the playhouse. Eva loved it as you can tell!
Both Ella and Eva loved all the empty closets/cupboards to play in.
Well I know its been awhile since I last posted. So sorry! We just got internet/cable last Tuesday and I just haven't found the time to update. I also wanted to include pics of the house but the weekends are when we get the most done. We now feel like this is home! We still have things to buy/shop around for but it will be done before we know it. Life is busy, when Evan's not working I am and vice versa and then he plays BB on Wed. nights so we dont really get the option to get a lot done. Eva is still NOT walking, could totally if she wanted to. She can walk across the room with Ella holding her hand and I know she doesn't support her she just isn't confident enough to do if herself yet. Ella and Eva both love the extra space. We all run around and utilize the entire house including the unfinished basement.
That is now our gym- a new treadmill (for my b-day), weights, and cable tv, couldn't be better. We have started working out when the girls go to bed at night and it seems to be working just fine! We have been pretty busy with the moms club activites lately and playdates each week. So everything is great in our world but we're thinking of you grandma. We love you!
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