Daddy and Ella pretending to sleep, Eva didn't get the memo though! :o)
I took the girls mini-bowling on Monday with some friends for Valentines Day! They had a great time!
Eva loved it too!
Ella was invited to Ayla's birthday party. Ella, Lila, and Ayla went to Sweet and Sassy a store for toddlers. They got their nails painted, hair done, and make-up on. They loved it and all sat so well! No fussing! Ella and Ayla are checkin themselves out in the mirror. too cute!
Ella all dolled up and posing!
The 3 girls!
The girls getting thier hair done!
Ella letting her BLUE nails dry! She was happy!
The air is sooo dry here, the girls' hair is always crazy!.
Ella and daddy!
Eva's a crawler!
We went to a tea party! The girls put their tutus on and everything. All the girls were running around Sammy- what a lucky little boy.
The girls eating at the tea party table. Eva had a great time too and she even got to sit in a Dora seat. She loved it!
The girls had PB & grilled cheese sandwhiches with fruit snacks and kool-aid.
Another pic of the kids at the tea party table!
So another week gone by so quickly...its already Wednesday sorry for the delay. I mentioned we were all settled in but we're still busy deep cleaning- wiping down closets/blinds and shopping for the perfect furniture. It takes a lot of time! Plus we have been busy with the moms club stuff and playdates. We had a tea party last week, a birthday party that was amazing for Ella, and mini-bowling on Valentines Day. Just the other day we went over to a friends house to let her puppies out to potty and fed the horses and pet the kitties so the girls thought that was pretty cool. And big news....Eva is now walking!! Yay! Well you still have to force her but she definitely can walk across a room easily. Ella is great with her and helping her and cheering her on to keep walking. As long as people are cheering her on she will just keep on truckin. Ella has quite the imagination and its great but gets old quickly. She always is screamin theres a monster/Lion coming, we better run and hide. It keeps her moving. I cant wait for Eva to get older so she can be crazy with her. Ella recently loves hot choc. and Eva eggs. Well I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day! We did- got flowers from daddy and I made the best cheesecake ever!
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