We went to the park one day to get some exercise and enjoy the fresh air.
The girls in there playhouse. We tipped it upside down so that the clay under it could dry. Eva walks now but still feels more comfortable on her knees so they were very dirty after playing outside. But she had fun!.
Grandmas letting the air out of the bed and Eva's being curious.
Ella wearing mommy's heels! She looks so old!
Well mom and dad are gone already...time flies by especially when you don't want it too. They were wonderful and helped us out so much..thank you both! The house is finally completed and is perfect! We didn't do too much other than stuff around the house, they enjoyed the girls though and thats the important thing. We miss them already! Eva finally started to feel better on Tuesday and Ella got a fever on Sunday and now has a cold, so we're all just sharing this little virus. Eva goes in tomorrow for her 15 month appt., finally, so am excited to find out how big she is. The girls are looking forward to warmer weather so they can be outside everyday, they both love it! Glad we finally have a backyard for them and that spring is here! Sorry to hear about the midwest....more snow, bummer!
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