IT was freezing...I think we all had like 3 layers on.
Our final lag home...peace and quiet!
the girls playing with our glasses. Our divas!
On the way home...Eva was passed out....she needed it. She didn't get her naps like normal and woke early so I'm glad she could fall asleep in the car.
The bean!
The was our first time seeing this! Pretty neat.
probably 1 min. after Chrissy and Ross left our hotel room Sunday night the girls fell asleep on daddy. The day was a success!
Ella got a treat...and of course...she picks a cold one! She sure enjoyed it, usually she shared but she wasn't willing to share this one.
Ella and Eva riding the Thomas train....they loved it!
Chrissy and Eva- Chrissy helped out with her alot (thank you) It was very much appreciated. Eva just wanted to be walking around so Chrissy kept her entertained or held her when we were busy being tourists.
Ella driving the city bus!
Ella washing the car windows
This was really cool, if you put your hands out they would fill up with pebbles and than once your arms went down they would all fall on your head.
Ella digging for dinosaur fossils!
Eva looking in the mirror at her beautiful self!
Eva and Ella going down the slide that makes music.
Ella playing in the water....and loving it.
Ella and daddy playing in the childrens' museum.
Ella drinking a pop!
New addition to the Tower, Clear case where you can look down to the ground. Ev was freaked out but did it so he could say he did it.
Us (minus Eva- she stayed for a nap with Chrissy)in the Willis Tower.
The view from the Willis Tower! Stunning!
Ella and I riding in the taxi...One of Ella's highlights of the trip.
Eva and Ella looking at Lions.
Us and the T-Rex.
Our first stop on Saturday was the Museum of Natural History, Ella and Eva loved it since it was like a zoo- lots of stuffed animals! The famous T-rex, the most complete T-rex in the world.
Eva listening to the DVD player on the headphones, to cute!
Thank God for naps!
Ella was holding some birds...she liked the idea until one started flappin its wings.
So great she was pushing Sammy along.
Eva driving the pump train. She did great!
Ella's highlight of the Pet Expo.
Ella got to pet and hold a baby duck!
Eva and I!
Eva sitting on daddy...if anyones laying on the floor Eva is crawlin on you.
The girls havin a snack and playing.
This past weekend we took a trip to Chicago. We had lots of fun but it was pretty chilly in the windy city. We knew it was going to be but we always plan trips and never actually go so this time we actually went which was good because my best friend from college and her husband live there but are moving in Aug. so we had to spend some time with them before they move farther away. We left on Saturday morning and 6 hours later picked up Chrissy and went to the Museum of Natural History, we all had a good time. We then went to Chrissy and Ross's and ordered deep dish pizza (yummy)although our favorite pizza place closed and we tried 2 others, none even close to as good, so maybe next time. Sunday we went the Chrissy's for breakfast and than over to the Willis Tower, but Eva stayed for a nap. Chrissy will some day be a great mom. Chrissy and Eva picked us up after the tower excursion and we went to Navy Pier for the afternoon, there we walked around and played at the Largest Children's museum ever. The girls and Evan had a great time. :o) We then went to Chrissy's to say goodbye to Ginsy who was their puppy - Eva and Ella's favorite toy! Poor dog..they chased her around like crazy. We went out to eat and than back to the hotel for some swimming. Ella really had fun but Eva was too tired and it was kind of cold plus the hot tub was packed so no relaxing for Chrissy and Ross. Monday morning we got up and walked around our hotel which was close to the bean, we then picked up some pizza and hit the road. We drove all day and arrived home around 8pm, in time for a quick bath and bed. Eva was already showing signs of a cold, either from the weather, her sister last week, or the germs at the Children's museum. Whatever it was she had troubles sleeping but we all slept in until 8:30 which was really nice.
The other main event last week was the Pet Expo. We went with Sammy and Melissa and there were lots of Ella and Eva thoughourly enjoyed themselved. We saw and pet goats, chickens, ducks, bunnies, puppies, birds, and kitties. Sat on the Easter bunny...which was a success and jumped in a bounce house and drove a train. Great day for them!
1 comment:
so glad you all made the trip!
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