Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sun Shining

Trying to cheer Eva up because she wasnt feeling too well. Ella did a great job!

Sick Eva laying down watching tv.

Ella and Aiden were quietly playing upstairs and when I called for them they each had one of my hats on. Too cute!

Eva and Eli; Eva was touching Eli and playing with him, not sure which one of them enjoyed it more.

Ella playing with Eli...she still loves babies.

Ella and Eva playing with oranges...they wont eat them but they love to play with them.

Well its great to finally see the sun shining around here, it has been raining and cloudy almost everyday for 2 weeks. So depressing! And mom and dad arrived yesterday so we have lots to smile about here. It's great to see them and they love our new house. Eva has been a sick little girl for the past 4 days, she has had a fever and just fussy; no other symptoms though. She was supposed to have her 15 month appt. tomorrow but I rescheduled for next week, she's already been miserable enough I don't want to make it any rougher on her. We had 2 playdates last week and went to the library on one day so we were quite busy. I think the girls like to be busy as do I so we all had a great week, although Eva and I were sick by Friday. I have been working the Wednesday overnights plus my regular Friday shifts for the past 2 weeks and it was just too much for me so I got sick. It didn't stop me from going out on a date with my husband on Saturday. It's not very often we find a babysitter to watch the girls for the afternoon so we went out to eat, did a little shopping, and went to a movie. We had a great day but it went too fast! I felt bad leaving my baby but she survived with the babysitter. Well we don't have much planned for the week so lets hope it doesn't go too fast for us. Hope everyone else is enjoying some sun shine too.

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