Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Well we got our Christmas tree this weekend and decorated it up, we all had a great time!

Mommy and Ella were napping and daddy was watching football so Eva decided to try to break in to get us. My favorite picture!

Evan's little sidekick.

The girls enjoying our feast.

Evan and Eva on Thanksgiving Day!

Eva's favorite sitting position, especially while watching TV.

Ella got Flat Stanley in the mail from a cousin. It's a little stick man from a storybook who got flattened by a bulliten board and went on lots of adventures. We didn't do anything too crazy but he did get to ride on a pony with Ella while we were shopping.

Well we had a good week, pretty busy! I had to work a lot including on Thanksgiving Day. I did get too spend the morning with my family and we ate our dinner so that was nice. Not sure if I mentioned but I am taking a cake class that is every Tues. evening so every evening last week I was gone which meant lots of daddy time. So we enjoyed the weekend just getting festive, buying a tree, decorating the house, making holiday cookies. Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving day! Just a look ahead at this week. It's EVA'S 1ST BIRHTDAY!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Beautiful Weather

What a perfect picture of them! They look so precious.

Ella says "I love my puppy sooooo much." Gosh, so stinkin cute!

I was looking through all my uploaded pictures and found like 6 of these pics. Obviously Ella was taking pics of another one of her favorite puppies and she even posed him. What a little photographer!

Ella eating hazelnut spread. I think she likes it!

Ella, Eva, and I driving the fire truck at the children's museum.

Ella's LAST time pretending to drive a real car!

Eva's walking!

Not sure why ALL kids love Dora, but Eva loves Dora.

We are loving the weather right now and are certainly happy that we are not having to shovel 6-8 in. of snow. :o) Although, Ella said today that she would love to build a snowman with a carrot nose. We went to storytime twice last week because the girls love it so much. On Friday we went to an interactive/hands-on museum for kids and had a great time, although while we were packing up the car Ella was pretending to drive and decided to put pennies in the CD player. So she broke that and I had to play Mrs. fix-it (with my dads help) and pull the fuse to the radio so the battery wouldn't die. That was not a good day plus I had to work 14 hours that night so I'm am sure glad thats behind us. We were supposed to family pics/ Eva's 1st pics on Saturday but Eva has a cold and can't breath so doesn't sleep well and is a mess. So hopefully soon we will get a chance to do that. She is really close to walking and her 2 bottom teeth are coming and she's going to be 1 in less than 2 weeks. Crazy! We are just going to have a small party here at our house for her. We figured anything bigger would take away from her. We basically have NO idea what we are going to do about housing come February. We are definitely moving out of this apartment but now looking into renting a house. It will be relativtely the same price with no strings attached, seems perfect for us. We really would like to move home closer to family/friends so this would be a better option it just is unfortunate that we do not know when this will happen.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Go Browns! Ella was deathly scared of these stickers so we put them on Eva so daddy could be proud. She did leave them on for a short while.

Eva had some crazy hair!

Theres Ella in boots again.

Well no good pictures this week, Eva is teething and very fussy and Ella doesn't like picures these days. Well she likes to take them not smile for them. So we have found 2 houses that we are debating on although Evan applied for another job last week so who knows when we will hear back from the company and if the houses we have found will still be available. It's a rough place to be in, it is our goal to be closer to home but when do you say enough is enough. There will always be some job opportunities for Evan but there just hasn't been the one and I certainly can NOT handle living in a 2-bedroom apartment. I'm going crazy! I need a house! I have not been working as much, I cut back my hours on the weekend to just one 14 hours shift on Friday and than evening throughout the week. It works a lot better for us and Evan and I get to spend some time together.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

House Hunting

Of course, Ella is in her underwear. She loves to be a naked baby.

The girls and I visited Aiden and his new little brother Eli yesterday. The girls had a great time.

Evan and Ella were watching football, now you see why I don't watch it....its too boring. :o)

They just got out of the tub. I was trying on some outfits for Eva's 1st birthday! I can't believe she's going to be 1 already.

So not much going on in our lives. We have been wrapped up in house hunting this last week. We saw a few more properties and decided we don't really know what we want. It's a very big decision! The area we want to live in is very expensive but will be the best for the girls, great schooling! And since that is the most important thing right now I guess we are going to have to settle for something less than perfect. It is our first home so we can't have everything. We went to the library last week and met some new friends. 2 moms my age with girls the same ages of Eva and Ella. Perfect! So our first playdate is tomorrow, it should be fun! I worked a lot of evenings last week so daddy and the girls had some bonding time. Oh and the time change did not go well in our household. The girls now wake between 6:45 and 7:00, way too early for me. Ugggh! I hope it gets better!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Boo at the Zoo

The kids were having fun running around outside and playing in the leaves.

This kitties soooo big!

Evan's is the large one, mine the medium, and Ella's the little one.

Ella very carefully using a spoon. She probably got 3 seeds out total and was very proud of herself.
We had a great week! Monday we carved our pumpkins, Ella still will not put her hand inside of it. It's too icky, she says! She had fun watching us though. Tuesday we had a Halloween party with the moms club and had a good time. We found a new babysitter so she watched the girls on Tuesday night so Evan and I could go to dinner and a movie. It was wonderful! Thursday night we went over to one of my clients house to go trick or treating with his family/neighborhood. Ella loved it! It was pretty cold here so we really had to bundle up. I worked Friday and Saturday and than on Sunday we went to the zoo for some more trick or treating. We haven't been there all summer so we thought Ella would really enjoy it. It was only 55 degrees but the girls were bundled up so they stayed warm. We spent the entire day there! They were both so good. We haven't had the chance to do any house hunting lately but will soon go out looking again.
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers